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The 17th China Changzhou International Animation Art Week "2020 Animated Film Venture Capital Summit", hosted by XRender, October, 27th, is a customized feast exclusively for animated filmmakers, it has brought the industry-leading production teams together to put creativity into practice, intending to explore more possibilities for animated film production.

As one of the main activities of the 17th China Changzhou International Animation Art Week, the summit attracted big names in the animation film industry, to talk about the future of Chinese animation films through industry promotion, keynote speeches, roundtable forums, and IP road shows.

Signing Ceremony between XRender and GDC

Signing Ceremony between XRender and GDC

Starting an animated film feast

After years of technical precipitation and efforts of animators, the animation film industry has gradually ushered in the dawn of a rapidly growing market.

With extensive attention from industry insiders strong support from government policies, the 2020 Animated Film Venture Capital Summit is not only a concrete action to promote the creation of animated films in Changzhou, but also a measure to give play to the advantages of animated films.

Changzhou will use the animated film venture capital summit brand to actively consolidate and expand the results of the summit, encourage "creation" and "investment", increase project tracking services, turn outstanding ideas into landing projects, and turn key projects into masterpieces. Efforts to use excellent animated films to inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture and nourish the spiritual life of people.

Escorted by political policy

Mingzhu Wang, deputy director of the Jiangsu Film Bureau, made the opening speech for the summit. “In recent years, Changzhou has taken the cultural industry as an important focus to enhance the city’s core competitiveness, promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, and achieve high-quality development.” He said, “The development of the city's cultural industry has achieved leapfrog and three-dimensional. Through this event, we will gather animation resources at home and abroad, accelerate the introduction and cultivation of new economy and new format projects, creating a unique cultural industry cluster and city image cultural business card.”

Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Film Bureau: Mingzhu Wang

Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Film Bureau: Mingzhu Wang

China’s animation industry has huge development potential, and the outstanding performance of domestic animation ownership is unquestionable. From a policy perspective, the animation industry has changed from a “support industry” to a “key cultural industry”, and its scale has undergone a fundamental change

As a sunrise industry, the animation industry has become the consensus of the whole society. In addition to introducing corresponding policies and measures to increase support for the animation industry, various localities and departments must also plan overall, highlight key points, and integrate resources, especially the development of the animation industry and the region.

Gathering industry leaders

XRender is honored to invite many industry elites to share their unique insights.

For the film industry, well-made blockbusters are the mainstream of the market. To truly enter the era of blockbuster films, what Chinese animation films need is a group of unforgettable screen characters and works that can meet the multi-level aesthetic needs, especially the cultural needs of mature audiences. This is the level that animators need to pass.

John Hughes, the co-founder and President of Tau Films, is a VFX-Pioneer who has a lot of impressive achievements in the field of visual effects. It is the second time that XRender jointed Mr. Hughes to talk about the combination of art and technology. At the summit, John P. Hughes gave us a ccomprehensive introduction to the production process of the high-end visual effects and showed us how the detailed visual wonders were born step by step.

John P. Hughes

Tau Film CEOJohn P. Hughes

With the growing relationship between the Internet and the cultural industry, the concept of IP has prevailed in the film industry. China's animation industry has developed rapidly in recent years. It is transitioning to a creative and high-quality animation development stage to meet the huge and diverse domestic animation market needs.

“In the era of IP dominance, animation film companies need to break the old adaptation model and creative concept, integrate distinctive national characteristics into the animation story, "Chinese style" to the world,” said Yong Xiao, the general manager of GDC. “We need to pay particular attention to digging local characteristics, adapt and recreate mythical stories and folklore, create high-quality animation works that integrate art and technology, and deliver "Chinese style" to the world.”

GDC General Manager: Yong Xiao

GDC General Manager: Yong Xiao

Expecting a bright future

After the outbreak of coronavirus in 2020, the film industry has become the "hardest hit". The public's consumption structure, consumption psychology, and consumption power have also undergone some subtle changes under the influence of the epidemic. The interaction of these factors will undoubtedly have a huge structural rewrite on the industry, and then subtly affect the Chinese animation film industry and market in the "post-epidemic" period.

In the roundtable forum, the five guests, Jin Shao, founder and director of Shanghai Amber Pictures, CTO&COO, CTO&COO, co-founder of Inherebce Animation (Guangzhou), Hongli Chen, founder of Sanyue Guyu (Beijing) Meida Co.,Ltd, and Yongqing Yu, general manager of Tianhua Group Changzhou Branch , Gang Wu, deputy general manager of Wuhan Zero Venture Investment Management Co., Ltd., discussed the topic "The Way Out and Breakthrough of Chinese Animation Films in the Post-epidemic Era", conducted a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the dynamic mechanism and transformation trends of Chinese film development in the "post-epidemic" period, jointly seek effective paths, trying to find the balance and unity of short-term stimulation and long-term strategy.

The Roundtable Forum

The Roundtable Forum

“Animated films are promising,” said Zhonglun Ren, Vice Chairman of China Film Association, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Chairman of Shanghai Film Association. "We are eager for excellent animated films, we want to see better-looking Chinese cartoons, and we are looking forward to the birth of more and stronger animation companies."

Zhonglun Ren

Zhonglun Ren

“Chinese animation films are in the fast-developing wave of three-dimensional animation. We need time to accumulate outstanding talents, to precipitate the essence of traditional culture, to integrate art and technology, and promote each other.”

Risks and opportunities coexist at each step forward, and different difficulties will be encountered at each stage. However, we firmly believe that with the involvement of games, social networking and 5G technology, and the joint efforts of the industry elites, China's original animation films will surely reach new heights. Standing at the door of the best era of animated films, we can march forward bravely.

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