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The XRender Interior Design Visualization Competition finally came to an end after four months of work collection, jury reviewing and popularity voting. As the organizer of this competition, XRender is very grateful for everyone’s active participation and witnessed the birth of many excellent and beautiful artworks. Today we have the honor to invite the winner of the Commercial Project, Mao Di, for an exclusive interview.

Interview with Mao Di - The Winner of XRender CGI Competition

Mao Di has engaged in the design performance industry for four years and has won many awards such as the Silver Award of the "China Habitat Environment Design Academic Year Award", the Excellence Award of the "China Innovation Festival", the first prize of the East China Division of the "Star Search Award", and the second prize of the Ailian Cup. As the founder of MT-VISION, he has participated in many and is really good at what he does.

Let's give a watch of his entry, "AUT VINCERE AUT MORI", in this competition first.





| Interview with Mao Di

XRender Render Farm: Hi Mao, thanks for accepting our interview, could you please tell us about your experience in this industry first, so that we can know more about you?

Visualization - Mao Di

Mao: The reason for working in the design visualization industry is that I personally prefer the construction of 3D scenes and the process of abstraction to figurative. I have had a preliminary understanding of industry-related knowledge since I was in college and was only a novice in modeling and rendering back then. It was until I started working, fortunate enough to know a few colleagues who were experts in this field, that I I had a deeper understanding of all by learning 3ds Max, renderers and other related things. With several years of practice and precipitation, I have now established my own visual performance studio, MT-VISION.

XRender Render Farm: Please share with us about the creation process as well as challenges that you met of the entry "AUT VINCERE AUT MORI". Also, was there any experience and skills you gained during the creation process?

Visualization - Mao Di

Mao: "AUT VINCERE AUT MORI" was designed by Ukrainian designer Daniel Nagaets. The visualization process can be said to be short in time, heavy in tasks and difficult in creation. There is no regularity in the modeling of the scaffolding, so I can only build it manually step by step, including some furniture and furnishings.

Visualization - Mao Di

For this entry, I chose a lighting method with natural light as the main and supplemented by artificial light. The selection of the camera angle was finally determined after many deliberation. In addition, in order to show the best effect, I also used some software such as Substance painter, ZBrush, MD, RizomUV, etc. As for experience, I think each work has its own characteristics, find them and incorporate into one's own work can make the work retain its original artistic style without losing its personal characteristics.

XRender Render Farm: Would you please tell us about how to effectively improve yourself? Such as your study methods or sources of inspiration.

Visualization - Mao Di

Mao: Regarding self-study, improving aesthetics is the most important! And the way of improvement is to first familiarize yourself with the history of art and feel the basic logic of aesthetics. Secondly, see the excellent works shared by other artists, and observe the techniques used in visualization, such as space, layout, light, and perspective. If you reach the stage where you simply look at the pictures without inspiration, then try to shoot by yourself and feel the relationship between space, light and shadow.

Visualization - Mao Di.

If I come across a good work, I will communicate with the designer a lot when I have the opportunity, and feel the designer's intention of the design. In addition, pay more attention to artists and artworks, and watch more exhibitions, it can be about art, furniture and architecture. I would also read when I feel that my work has not improved for a long time, and every time I read it, there may be new gains.

XRender Render Farm: What do you think is the point of participating in competitions like the XRender Interior Design Visualization Competition?

Visualization - Mao Di

Mao: The XRender Interior Design Visualization Competition is an opportunity for me to exercise myself. To be honest, I was surprised to get the prize. Personally, my purpose this time is actually to get to know the artists in the industry and get the opportunity to learn from them. This is also an account of my staged learning and growth. For the contestants or those who follow this competition, I believe that the greatest significance is to gain an excellent opportunity to learn from each other, learn from each other's strengths, and get the latest information in the industry.

XRender Render Farm: You have always been a user of XRender. How do you feel about the experience of using this product and how does it affect your workflow?

Visualization - Mao Di

Mao: Rendering requirements for CGI are getting higher, and so is the demand for computer resources. XRender is really powerful in render nodes, the system is well optimized, and it is suitable for different usage scenarios. In addition, XRender supports most 3D production software we use, which brings great convenience to our designers. With the help of XRender, the rendering efficiency has been greatly improved, which has solved a major pain point for us, allowing us to spend more time and energy on creation.

XRender Render Farm: That's all our interview, and we really appreciate your acceptation of, Mao!

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