Recently, Autodesk has released Maya 2024.2, this update includes rigging and character animation, retopology, bake deformer performance, time slider, LookdevX and USD for Maya plugin.
| Rigging and Character Animation
Maya 2024.2 improved workflow for deformer and performance customization. A new "Snapping" option has been created in the latest version, which resolves an issue with the "Proximity Wrap" deformer surface binding mode causing unnecessary deformation when binding to a frame associated with a driver vertex.
| Bake Deformer Performance Improvements
In the latest version, the baking process is faster and uses less memory to perform calculations. The deformation process is displayed in the help line, designers can track the progress of the deformation, and press the Esc key to cancel the process at any stage. The Bake Deformer tool now also supports full undo functionality. When there is insufficient memory, a warning will be issued indicating that the process cannot be completed.
| Retopologize updates
Two retopologize updates are included, including a new version of ReForm and symmetry improvements. The basic ReForm algorithm has been updated to improve performance and stability, and processing times are now up to 30% faster.
| USD for Maya 0.25 plug-in
Maya 2024.2 latest version of the plug-in USD for Maya v0.25.0, the updated version of the plug-in includes important bug fixes and stability updates as well as relative batch saving of USD files. All USD files can be batch saved as relative paths.
If the designer's Maya scene contains multiple stages, USD for Maya v0.25.0 can select a stage just like in the property editor. Fixed current view, or by default, the focus of the USD stage in the USD layer editor changes based on the selection in the outline view.
| LookdevX 1.2.0
The latest features of LookdevX include color management, Maya USD plug-in relative path, USD smart signaling, interface and actual operation optimization improvements, Shader component workflow support.
| Time Slider Enhancements
Viewports are updated via key dragging in the new version. The animation in the viewport updates by default when you Shift-drag selected keys on the time slider. This version also adds a new hotkey combination Shift + Alt-drag that cancels updating the viewport if the designer doesn't want the viewport to be updated while the key is being dragged.
More features of the latest version of Maya 2024.2 have been updated on the official website.
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